My Soapbox for all things creative.

Friday, 24 July 2009


(Pics reblogged from:

Amazing... reminds me of when I was little and used to just hare around like a madman on my bike. I reached 26 mph once on a 5 speed shimano shift. My bike FUCKING ROCKED.

"Once I did a skid that lasted for 2 days"

It was that time where you hung around with your mates. You have no idea where they are now really, but always found another kid with the same enthusiasm to throw yourself off your shitty home made ramp, or if you were pro, the dirt jumps you made in Hardwick woods. You kept that bike in immaculate condition. You didnt have to think about work, or jobs, or girls. In fact girls were a bigger fear than the jump you going to make. But you wanted to impress them with wheelies. We didn't know what flowers were just yet.

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A 23 year old photographer/ designer from Birmingham UK. Looking to get the fuck out.